Additional Conversion Options

Additional conversion options are available in the Advanced Options group. The options actually available in this group depend on the output format you selected.


Depending on how you are planning to use your electronic document, select the best option below:

  • Original layout
    This mode creates an output document which looks exactly like the original.
  • Text flow
    This mode retains the text of the original, but some of its formatting will be lost. The output document will retain paragraphs and fonts, but will not retain columns, exact locations of objects, or spacing.
  • Keep pictures
    This mode retains the pictures of the original document. If the source PDF file contains a large number of pictures, the size of the output file may be fairly large. Clear the Keep pictures option to reduce file size.
  • Ignore text outside tables
    The output XLS file will only retain the tables of the original PDF file. The rest of the text will not be converted.
  • Convert numeric values to numbers
    The numeric values contained in the PDF files will be converted to Microsoft Excel numbers.
  • Use MRC compression
    Select this option to retain the visual quality of the text and pictures in a highly compressed document.
  • Enable Bates stamping
    Select this option if you would like an index to be built for your document.
    PDF Transformer listpicture Additional Conversion Options For more information, see Bates stamping.
  • Enable Bates stamping
    Select this option if you would like an index to be built for your document.
    PDF Transformer listpicture Additional Conversion Options For more information, see Bates stamping.

Additional Conversion Options