Current Date and Time in Stamps and Bates Stamps

You can add current date and/or time to stamps and Bates stamps. Use the following tags in the text editing/Bates stamping windows.

Tag Example
<d/> Short date format 07.02.2009
<date/> Long date format 7 February 2009
<t12/> 12-hour clock time 9:22 PM
<t24/> 24-hour clock time 21:22
<time/> Long time format 21:22:51

By default, the date and time are displayed in the format corresponding to the regional settings of your computer. You can change this format. For example: <d=RUS/>, <date=USA/>, or <time=ENG/>. The results will become immediately visible in the stamp preview window.
Show me an example

<d=USA/> 2/7/2009
<d=ENG/> 07/02/2009
<d=RUS/> 07.02.2009
<d=DEU/> 07.02.2009
<d=FRA/> 07/02/2009
<d=ITA/> 07/02/2009
<d=ESP/> 07/02/2009
<d=NLD/> 3-2-2009
<d=PO/> 2009-02-07
<d=HUN/> 2009.02.07
<d=CZ/> 7.2.2009
<d=SL/> 7. 2. 2009
PDF Transformer note Current Date and Time in Stamps and Bates Stamps Some of the above regions may not be supported by your operating system. However, you can use any other regions supported by your system.

You can customize the date and time formats
Show me an example

<date=USA %A/> Friday
<date=DEU %B, %Y/> February, 2009
<time %Hh %Mm/> 09h 22m

To customize date and time, specify the required parameters enclosing them in <date/> and <time/> tags.

<date/> Example
%y Year without century digits (01 – 99) 09
%#y Year without century digits, no leading zeros (1 – 99) 9
%Y Year with century digits 2009
%#Y Year with century digits, no leading zeros 2009
%b Short name of month Feb
%B Full name of month February
%m Month as a number (01 -12) 02
%#m Month as a number, no leading zeros (1 -12) 2
Days of the month
%d Day of month as a number (01 – 31) 07
%#d Day of month as a number, no leading zeros (1 -31) 7
Days of the week
%a Short name of day of week Tu
%A Dull name of day of week Tuesday
<time/> Example
%H 24-hour clock (00 – 23) 07
%#H 24-hour clock, no leading zeros (0 – 23) 7
%I 12-hour clock (01 – 12) 05
%#I 12-hour clock, no leading zeros (1 – 12) 5
%p A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock* AM
Minutes and seconds
%M Minutes as a number (0 – 59) 04
%#M Minutes as a number, no leading zeros (0 – 59) 4
%S Seconds as a number (00 – 59) 04
%#S Seconds as a number, no leading zeros (0 – 59) 4
Additional options
%% Percentage symbol

Changing the regional settings

  1. Select Regional and Language Options in Start>Settings>Control Panel.
  2. On the Regional Options tab, select the standard to be used for date and time, or click Customize to create your own format.

    PDF Transformer note Current Date and Time in Stamps and Bates Stamps In Microsoft Windows Vista, this tab is called Formats.

* Available only for USA, ENG, HUN, and CZ regional settings.

Current Date and Time in Stamps and Bates Stamps